You know you are living in Iceland when...

I'm collecting here the things that make Iceland the weird country it it, I'll add things to the list as I experience them. :) get excited about +8°C in April and can walk around without a jacket's +8°C outside and the Icelanders are walking around in shorts
... Jae answers everything makes sense that candy is 50% off everywhere in the country on Saturdays
...instead of hearing the "tuut tuut" noise when calling someone you get elevator music
...there are hardly any wild animals on the godforsaken island but about every 5th Icelander you meet on the street is wearing fur (boooo)
...double windows might be a good idea but hardly any house has them's logical to have your heater on full power in the winter and the windows wide open at the same time complain about the expensive gas but leave your car in the street with the motor running for 15min
...time and punctuality is utopia
...time is anyway arbitrary. You can tell your class an hour before class starts that class is actually a fieldtrip on that day so nobody is prepared see more cats than dogs on the streets. The ratio is probably 1:7
...all the Icelandic children are goddamn adorable
...wearing a lopapeysa is always perfectly stylish and acceptable. EVERYBODY wears them.
...striking and protesting happens on a daily basis makes sense to go on "runđur" on Laugavegur with their cars on Friday and Saturday nights for the people who are not allowed to drink yet. So the street is actually busier on those nights than on a Monday during rush hour.
...your pocketbook/purse/wallet is bursting with all the 10ISK, 5ISK and 1ISK coins because you can't buy anything with it really so they just start piling up in there...
...everybody on the street looks ridiculously good
...umbrellas are futile because the rain hardly ever comes down vertically. Usually it rains from all the other directions except straight up.

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